Have you ever thought about going to Dubai, enjoying the summer weather all the time? Well, Sunny ‘21 has first hand experience at what it’s like in Dubai. Not only did I find out that he visits Dubai often, I was also informed that Sunny lived in Dubai for about three and a half years prior to recently visiting.

Sunny’s mom and brother still currently live in Dubai which is why he still continues to visit. The flight itself was about 15 hours. It is normally 17 hours, however Sunny took a private plane. “It was like a party bus but up above the sky,” Sunny and his family attended a part of Dubai called “The Palm Jumeirah” and “Atlantis, The Palm.”

The school Sunny attended when he lived in Dubai was called ASD, which stands for American School of Dubai. The weather was about 80 degrees when Sunny went but now it is cooler than before. Sunny says that his most enjoyable moment in Dubai was being able to drive his brother’s car.

Sunny tried an Italian dish for the first time in Dubai but does not know what it was called. It was a spicy dish with chicken and salad. Sunny plans on going back during the summer for his brother’s wedding.



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