The 2013-2014 school year started off the right way when WWT became a reward school!

A Reward School is a school that meets AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) and is recognized in one of the following ways:

  • “top 5% of schools on Top-to-Bottom list
  • top 5% of schools making the greatest gains in achievement (improvement metric) or
  • “Beating the Odds.”

Beating the Odds schools are those that are overcoming traditional barriers to student achievement and are outperforming schools with similar risk factors and demographic makeup. “*

WWT was identified as a Reward School under the “Beating the Odds” category.

“Out of the different ways schools can become a Reward School, I think the way we won it was the coolest of the three,” WWT Prinicpal, Mr. Mackenzie, said at the Freshmen class meeting.

Becoming a reward school is a great achievement and honor for WWT. It really shows that your hard work, as students and staff, is paying off and that WWT can only continue to improve.

So take pride in your school, Titans! Keep up the hard work, and show everyone that we’re capable of “beating the odds”.



*(information from,4615,7-140-22709_62255—,00.html)



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