Teenagers often find themselves overwhelmed and exhausted. There isn’t a manual that tells someone how to balance their academics, social life, and a job. Thankfully we have a program here that can help you make some money and keep your head from popping off.

Our program that helps is called WIA. It stands for Work Investment Act, and is aimed for at risk students to help them graduate. The main goal is to help students graduate and get ready for the real world.

 Jobs that are given through WIA are helping teachers, making copies, bulletin boards, helping custodians, and other miscellaneous jobs around the school. The pay is $7.40, minimum wage, an hour but there are some incentives. They help fill out future job applications, and prepare for job interviews. In the program there is also some help for college entry, “ACT retakes, and housing deposits,” Mr. Tokarz, one of the facilitators, commented.

 WIA offers 1 ½ hours after school Monday thru Thursday, and 7 ½ hours in the summer. “You can do landscaping, culinary arts, and elementary tutoring,” Mrs. Pytel said about the summer jobs. 

 It isn’t that easy to get into though. “Over 100 apply,” Mr. Tokarz commented. A student needs to show that their income isn’t too high, show valid ID, and be a senior or junior. Currently there are 48 students employed by WIA.  

 WIA is great for students because it works around their schedules. They can choose when they want to work and not have to worry about missing a sports practice or their homework. You have nothing to lose by applying, so why not?



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