Making money in a school program may seem surreal; but thanks to The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) it isn’t. For students who may not know what WIA is, it’s a program that’s supervised for Michigan Works; helping students stay on track for graduation and ready for college.
Mr. Tokarz has been working with Tower for about fifteen years; hired for WIA and always open to helping people in the program as far as filling out college applications and resumes as well!
You always have someone to lookout for you in WIA. Not only does it teach you work ethics, but you can make friends within this program as well.
WIA provides the opportunity to make decent money with summer jobs consisting of day caring and even working here in the Titan Terrace with culinary arts! “You’re given the opportunity to make up to $300 working in the school building during the school year,” Tokarz said.
There was once the opportunity to continue working within the school in the front office of elementary schools of Warren Woods District but, its being looked into again to be brought back to the program.
Due to class of 2015’s graduation, there are 20 openings on a first come first serve basis! “Take advantage of what’s offered,” Tokarz added. In order to get in, you’ll be asked questions and must provide documentations.
“WIA is perfect for anyone.” Tokarz suggests. Although, it looks for students that come from a low income family, foster children and those that are faced with a situation involving with high school graduation, attending college, or obtaining a job.
However, don’t let this phase you because all types of people come in and out of the program whether it being someone with a 4.0 grade point average just trying to continue there strive for success or kids at risk. This is a perfect opportunity to set all of your goals along the lines of academic achievements and employment.
“98% go on to secondary education,” Tokarz said.
This program stays in touch with all of the students that left due to graduation. Because of this, many students have came back to Tokarz sharing there positive impacts from the program. In fact, Tower graduate Aroosa Malik ’11 graduated from Michigan State University as a brain surgeon. One day this could be you, be the student to fill in one of the open spots out of 20.
Go see Mr. Tokarz in the career center! He’s here all days of the school week from 7:00 a.m to 3:00 p.m.
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