HOSA is starting a new project this December and it will start on December 18th when the HOSA officers take a field trip to the veteran’s hospital to give back to the community. Taylor Sanders in a HOSA president that planned this whole field trip because she has a personal experience with the military because he father is in the service. “I wanted to do something with the veterans because it is something close to my heart,” Taylor ‘17 said.

There is a lot that will be going on when the students arrive at the veteran’s hospital. “The officers will be split up into 2 groups and one group with help with arts and crafts and the other will help with transporting,” Marie Vanhuysse said.

“I am really excited to be a part of this whole thing because I think it will give me a better look on life and I want to give back to the community in a way that I have never done before,” Corrina Hall ’16 said. Corrina has never been a part of something like this and she is already thinking about going again even though they haven’t went once. “I can’t wait to go again because I really think I will gain some valuable information from this and can help people in the process,” Corrina said.

The officers are the only one going on this field trip to represent Warren Woods Tower and show what they bring to the table. “I am kind of upset that I can’t join them on the field trip but hopefully they will go again and I can go,” Zoe Davies ’16 said.

“I really want to raise money for the veteran’s hospital also because I think it would be a great addition to show our appreciation to the military,” Corrina said.

The HOSA members want to look like a team so they plan on wearing something that looks the same. “I want to make shirts that represent different branched of the military or maybe wearing ugly Christmas sweaters,” Taylor said.

HOSA is a planning great things for the future and this is one of those things. “I just want to give back because I cant imagine what these people go through and if I can make a difference in their life I will do whatever it takes,” Corrina ’16 said.




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