The students that follow have shown exemplary behavior that goes above and beyond what was expected of them and, by doing so have made the Warren Woods Tower Community a brighter and better place. Each of these Titan’s of the Week received a Titan Ticket for their efforts which gives them achance to win fabulous prizes in a weekly drawing.   


Alexis Pulizzi

Nominated by: Ms. VanHussye

“Alexis found money in the hallway on her way to lunch and turned it into me.”



Natalie Shamoon

Nominated by: Mrs. Flanigan

“Natalie is a very hardworking student. She’s dedicated to her studies and willing to put in the time it takes to excel.”



Josh Pickett

Nominated by: Mr. Martin

“He always has a positive attitude in TV Production. He’s always willing to go above and beyond!”



Isaiah Swift

Nominated by: Mr. Marchand

“Isaiah is making a good effort in his classes to do his best and try to improve his grades.”



Savannah Cummings

Nominated by: Mr. Rohloff

“Savannah did a great job participating in class discussion. Her input was thoughtful and helped to deepen the discussion.”



Autumn D’Addario

Nominated by: Senora Malczynski

“Autumn is a very enthusiastic, positive Spanish II student who is always willing to go above and beyond what is required of her. She is constantly making progress with the Spanish language and never ceases to amaze me with the work she produces. She is friendly and helpful and makes our Spanish II a fun learning environment.”


Byron Hill

Nominated by: Ms. Sunde

“Student is very responsible and follows classroom expectations.”



Amber Bradley

Nominated by: Mrs. Sullivan

“She helps other students without being asked. She’s a hard worker and very pleasant to have in class.”


Nick Weilemann

Nominated by: Mr. Eberhardt

“He always comes to class with a great attitude and is a positive influence on all students.”





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