The students that follow have shown exemplary behavior that goes above and beyond what was expected of them and, by doing so,  have made the Warren Woods Tower community a brighter and better place. Each of these Titan’s of the Week received a Titan Ticket for their efforts which gives them a chance to win fabulous prizes in a weekly drawing.


Peter MaroujiStudent: Peter Marouji

Nominated by: Mrs. Schmid

Reason Nominated: For helping a student with language issues. Great job Peter!


Student: Terrance Williams

Nominated by: Ms. Kujawski

Reason Nominated: I am nominating Terrance because while I was out the sub left his name as an excellent helper and participant in class.


Danielle HomicStudent: Danielle Homic

Nominated by: Mrs. Winstanley

Reason Nominated: As one of the managers of the Campus Corner, Danielle keeps everything running smoothly. This is not easy as it involves supervising other Store Management Students and guests in the store. She helps with the reordering and stocking of our products, making sure that we are never caught without the products our customers have come to expect. Danielle has worked many extra shifts, including events that outside of regular school hours.


Katie RittsStudent: Katie Ritts

Nominated by: Ms. Rokicki

Reason Nominated: Katie has continued to improve her Spanish, and is always looking for ways to incorporate Spanish Culture into life outside the classroom. She freely shares her knowledge with from her experiences of living in Florida, and it has greatly enriched our class. Way to go Katie!




Brieanna OttosonStudent: Brieanna Ottoson

Nominated By: Ms. Rutkowski

Reason Nominated: For doing a good deed for a fellow classmate.

Student: Allison Hanson

Nominated By: Mr. Beal

Reason Nominated: I have been very impressed with Allison’s efforts and focus in class. She is also working very hard in class and helping others who struggle.


Austin DedalisStudent: Austin Dedalis

Nominated By: Mr. Rohloff

Reason Nominated: Austin deserves to be Titan of the Week because he has improved his effort this semester. Austin’s work ethic sets an example for other students to follow.





Cole HuesgenStudent: Cole Huegsen

Nominated By: Ms. Szubelak

Reason Nominated: This semester I have noticed a very positive change in Cole’s attitude towards school. He has improved his study habits and in turn improved his grade. I can see the effort he is putting forth towards class, and I am so proud of him. He’s a great kid to have in class!




Tristan WilleyStudent: Tristan Willey

Nominated By: Ms. Flanigan

Reason Nominated: Tristan is a wonderful art student, and he works hard and is on task everyday. He is a great role model to others in class.




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