Be honest. Watching ‘Grease,’ we all wanted to be Eugene Felsnic. Alright, well not for a great portion of the movie, but towards the end. When Eugene, the common nerd, perfectly hits coach Calhoun in the face with a pie despite the cool greasers not being able to do so. Sadly this Hollywood moment isn’t a reality in most American high schools, emphasis on most.
This year, WWT’s Student Council is giving you the chance to recreate this scene with their fundraiser, titled ‘Pies for Presents,’ at the cost of $1. “This is a fundraiser to help buy toys for children in need. All of the money that is raised will go towards buying them,” says Student Council member Jada Jenkins ‘18. “For every dollar a person donates, their name gets written down on a ticket. The more money you donate, the more tickets you receive.”
The fundraiser is going on until December 11th, tickets being sold during all 3 lunches. “During the last week before Christmas break, we will put all of the tickets into a raffle. If a student’s name is chosen, they get to pie a teacher in the commons. There will most likely be three winners,” Jada says.
The Student Council is very excited to bring this fundraiser to WWT and hope you are too. Invest in what will be a highlight during your high school career and help provide Christmas gifts for children in need!
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