CBS’s hit comedy “The Big Bang Theory” has been the highest-rated sitcom since the show Friends ended in 2004 and it is also the number one show on cable television right now. “The Big Bang Theory” focuses on the lives of four scientists, who are all very good friends and co-workers, the women that they share their lives with, and all of the crazy situations that they get themselves into.

The show began airing new episodes for its eighth season back in September, and it has been just as hilarious as it always has been! After the cliffhanger ending of season seven, the show picked up right where it left off and the characters have been back at their crazy ways. “I like this season more than the previous seasons because they’re getting more in depth with all of the relationships,” Megan Gilbert ’15 said.

Speaking of relationships, I love that all of the relationships from the last season have continued into the new one. It makes me so happy to see that Howard and Bernadette are still enjoying married life, Leonard and Penny are finally engaged, Sheldon admitted that he’s in love with Amy, and Raj has a new girlfriend. “Sheldon and Amy are my favorite couple because of all the snarky comments that Sheldon makes towards Amy. They always catch me off guard! I also like that Howard is married to Bernadette,” Gilbert shared.

As I mentioned earlier, the last season ended with a huge cliffhanger, and this season picked up right where it left off in a hilarious way. Last season, Sheldon decided to get on a train and travel to an undecided destination in order to escape all of the changes in his life. When the new season began, Sheldon ended up in Arizona after his luggage (and even the pants he was wearing) was stolen from him. He soon realized that he would have to go back home eventually, so he called Leonard and Amy to come pick him up. Sheldon isn’t a very emotional person, so I really liked that we were still able to see his funny side during this whole situation and also his more vulnerable side.

While season eight started off on a high note, it took a turn for the worse on November 11 when Carol Ann Susi, the voice of Mrs. Wolowitz, passed away after battling cancer. Even though she never showed her face, her voice could be heard from a mile away and there was nothing but comedy gold that came out of her mouth. Instead of just making some snide comment to Howard, she would take it to a whole other level and it would be 10x funnier. “I was very sad to hear that she had died and I think the show is going to be missing the whole ‘mystery’ aspect as to what she looked like,” Gilbert commented.

Overall, the newest season of “The Big Bang Theory” has had some major ups and downs, but it’s still the same, good-natured show that I fell in love with a few years ago.



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