Sabrina Shankin is a senior here at tower who has a love for the sport of her life. Even though she will not play in this upcoming season for tower because she is pursuing travel softball, she has played the first three years of high school. She has played softball most of her life whether it was for the city league, school, or even travel. She said she believes that travel is harder and more competitive.

In order for her to keep in shape for travel ball she answered “ I practice 2-3 days a week running and doing squats”. Every season her parents support her and want her to go do what she loves. In order to get through each season Sabrina has to do two things “I stock up on sunflower seeds and buy a new bat”.

Even though she would love to play softball at the college level she doesn’t know if her dreams will come true. If she decides to play she has some college choices in mind “I would like to play for either Wayne State or for Grand Valley”.

Softball is something that just connects with her, at a young age her dad taught her that “The field is the one place where nothing else matters”. Growing up her parents paid for travel ball and college camps just because they wanted her to achieve her dreams.

After high school softball has inspired her to go into college to get a sports medicine degree. She said that no matter what she does she will always have love and support from her parents, family, and friends.



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