Finally, what we have been waiting for; the new Star Wars is finally out and wow is this movie amazing. Even if you have not seen the other six movies you can still go and see this movie and have an understanding. It is all new characters except for a few that with little star wars knowledge you should still know who they are. The reason this star wars movie is great is because it brings back some original characters but it has the new characters and it brings people in that they have no idea who they are. The new Star Wars really impressed audiences because it has a great storyline, the acting was good, and Star Wars is just amazing overall.
Some people however do not like Star Wars, which I have no clue how they do not because it is amazing. “I don’t like fake things and this movie is very unrealistic flying from planet to planet shooting laser guns and stuff with a giant Sasquatch thing walking around; just not my thing,” Xavier James ‘16 says. Well Xavier, there is a backstory to all these things and if you watched the movies you would understand. It takes place way in the future so it might be realistic in that time period. The Star Wars series has a great story line especially continuing into the new one with the now dark side called the First Order. The storyline is great how Fin is at first a storm trooper then escapes with the best pilot from the resistance and goes on to become a Jedi. That is awesome, it is so intense with a lot of action I do not know how anyone couldn’t like it to be honest.
In addition, this new Star Wars movie was good because the acting was good. The actors really sold things on what was going on and put in humor in some of the most intense parts. That is awesome because it could put a little giggle through the crowd and then something crazy could happen and shock everyone. “This movie was awesome, I’ve seen it multiple times and I just can’t get enough of it. I was not expecting this movie to be this good when I seen the preview,” Zach Osowski ‘16 explains. I could not agree with you more Zach, this movie is legit awesome and I could watch it all the time. Han Solo played by Harrison Ford did a great job in this movie, he played in the original star wars movies and came back and played in this one. I thought he did a very good job with Chewbacca at his side being very humorous at points.
Lastly, it was great simply because Star Wars is awesome. Without trouble nothing else to it, Star Wars is just great and I do not really care what other people have to say because it is awesome. Everything about it, where things take place, how they happen, the characters, everything. It is just great, and the new movie really impressed and I can’t wait to see it. “I like Star Wars, it’s very interesting but I didn’t get a chance to see the movie yet. Hopefully soon,” Nolan Twardy ‘16 says. Nolan get your butt to the movie theater as soon as possible to see this movie!
In conclusion, Star Wars Episode 7 was great because the storyline was awesome; the actors did a great job, and because it’s Star Wars so it was instantly bound for greatness. J.J. Abrams did a great job with this movie and i am very excited for Episode 8.
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