Looking for a good book? Well, I haven’t read any of those in a while, but I do know of a FANTASTIC book you can read. The Fault in Our Stars, by John Green, is a must-read for basically anyone who breathes air. Okay, so I’ll be the first to admit that I’m sort of a bookworm. I’ve read a lot of books in my lifetime. However, no other book has made me feel so much in the short span of 336 pages.

The Fault in Our Stars revolves around a sixteen year old terminal cancer patient named Hazel Grace. Hazel was forced to drop out of school three years prior because of her cancer, and so spends most of her time alone with her parents. However, Hazel becomes depressed and so is subscribed to join a therapy group for kids who are going through the same things she is. In this therapy group, she meets Augustus Waters, a seventeen-year-old stud who lost his right leg to osteosarcoma (bone cancer). Over the course of the book the two fall in love and face the real issues of life: love, death, and the value of life itself.

So this summary probably sounds kind of average for a book. But trust me on this one: this book is anything but average. The book is just written so brilliantly. The humor (yes, there is humor!) is genius. You know a book is funny when you suddenly realize you’re smiling and laughing in the middle of a dead quiet room. (This actually happened several times to me.)

However, as you could probably tell from the summary, the book isn’t all humor. You better have your extra strength tissue ready for this one, because I don’t know of a single person yet who has not cried while reading this book. You might be one of those people who tell me, “Yeah, sure, whatever. I don’t cry during books.” But you want to know something? Neither do I, and I cried for twenty minutes after reading this one.

But don’t let the more morose elements of the book get you down. Even through sadness, there are brilliant stabs of light and humor throughout that keep drawing you back in. You’ll fall in and out of love with the book over and over again. The characters are so real, and while reading it I just wanted to know these people and become their friends. It does an amazing job of getting into the mindset of how we teenagers think and feel about things. The content within the book is just so deep, so compelling, that it leaves you aching for more even after you’re through.

The author, John Green, is a #1 Best Selling author on the New York Times Bestseller list. Besides that, Green is famous in another way. He and his brother Hank Green are well-known bloggers on Youtube and go under the name of thevlogbrothers. They talk to each other, and also to the audience, about just about everything. They can be found educating their viewers about the latest technology in science, relationships, John’s books, Hank’s music, or even World History. Their fans are dedicated to them and they have become the 38th most subscribed channel on the site.

All in all, John Green is a fascinating person. It’s amazing to have just a glimpse into his genius through reading his books. If you finish The Fault in Our Stars, here are some other ones you can check out:

  • Looking for Alaska (2005)
  • An Abundance of Katherines (2006)
  • Paper Towns (2008)
  • Let It Snow: Three Holiday Romances – with Maureen Johnson and Lauren Myracle (2008)
  • Will Grayson, Will Grayson – with David Levithan (2010)

Enjoy your reading!



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