Students at WWT now have the ability to do well in a class without having to attend the class for four days out of the week. These classes are known as hybrids, a system of classes where if a student has above a 70% in a class, they only have to show up for one mandatory day a week. The other four days the student doesn’t even need to be in the building, as long as they meet the criteria. Hybrid classes are proving to be beneficial for students at WWT.
Hybrids classes promote responsibility for the students in the class. This is because students have to manage aspects of the class such as deadlines, assignments, and even when they have to take quizzes. Hybrid classes also promote responsibility because in order to be excused from the class, the student needs to have a 70% or higher for a grade. Having the 70% or higher represents that the student is doing what he or she needs to do in the class and is turning in the work that is assigned.
Students can miss class up to four days a week with a hybrid. This is designed to get students to strive for a better grade. If they have a 70% or higher they only have to come in to the class for one mandatory day in most cases, all other days are excused absences from the class.
Students can also improve their grades in other classes with a hybrid in their schedule. If a student is eligible to be excused from the class, they have more time to do work from any other classes they couldn’t get to. “I can get my assignments done early in class, and have more time to work on other classes.” Brandon Harger, ‘18 said.
Hybrid Classes have proven themselves to be a good alternative for those who may struggle in a normal classroom environment. WWT should consider having more hybrid options when students select their classes. Hybrids could potentially create better grades for all students at WWT.
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