Justin McMahon ’16 traveled to Europe over his summertime break. He traveled with a group called People to People. This trip is more exclusive “I found out about People to People when I received a letter of nomination in the mail,” Justin pointed out. He jumped at this opportunity “I love to travel, I’m passionate about traveling. The only drawback I guess is it was expensive,” Justin goes on to say.
Europe is big filled with amazing places to visit. They hit the best of the best “We went to France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany, Austria, Italy, and the Vatican,” He said. That is a lot of places to go in just 19 days! But they managed to make it happen, having a lot of fun on the way. Out of all the destinations, picking a favorite would be difficult “My favorite would be Italy because there was a lot to do and see. Like we rode a gondola in Venice and go in the catacombs in Rome,” Justin exclaimed.
In a different surrounding far from home, some bizarre things could take place, “I drank from a French goat’s utter,” he tells. Close to no one can say they have done that before. Also, in different places comes different, yummy food. “I liked the octopus ink pasta I had in Italy,” Justin said. That is not something you get to try every day!
With tons of fun and traveling comes some hardship. “The most difficult part of the trip was raising the money. I got a job and then I went to parents friends for donations. It was also hard for my mom because bother her sons were overseas, with my brother being in the Navy. Both my mom and dad were on vacation so I don’t know if they missed me,” he explains.
It is all fun and games, but eventually Justin had to return back home to Warren. “I missed ice cubes; they don’t have any in Europe. And air conditioning, it was over 100 degrees the whole time,” Justin states. After spending the money and being gone for 19 days Justin learned some things “It’s good to be adventurous and there’s a lot of cool people out there. I would suggest this trip to others and say don’t be afraid to try new things,” he leaves. An average WWT student was able to travel all around Europe, nothing is out of reach!
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