Many have heard the story of the beautiful girl that fell for a beast, but not many have seen the non- animated version. This version does not stray from the original ideas at all. Belle played by Emma Watson is taken prisoner by a Beast played by Dan Stevens. It was there held prisoner in his castle surrounded by magic where Belle learned to see passed the Beast’s appearance and notice what was inside; a Prince’s kind heart.

Released on March 17, this movie has been extremely successful with over 1 million tickets sold. Critics gave it 4.2/5 stars so as you can see, the movie is far from disappointment. “I liked how realistic it was, it wasn’t cheesy, And it felt like the original version, except a lot more real,” Lacie Doehring ‘18 said.

“I thought it was very entertaining and Emma Watson fit the part perfectly. It is not just a movie for girls, it is actually really good and I enjoyed it,” Will Mitcheltree ’17 added.

The film drew in the audience as all love a good romance story. “I have been a Disney fan since ‘99 and I loved how everything in the movie was sincere and heartfelt,” Ci Lee ‘17 explained.

It was clear that the director specifically chose the cast to fit the personalities of the characters in the original film. It helped that the cast had great voices because there was plenty of singing throughout the show. “I think the actors did an amazing job bringing the movie to life. Emma Watson was perfect for the role of belle. And though I didn’t know the guy as an actor he performed the part well,” Doehring explained.

For the most part, all movies seem to have a hidden message or lesson in the story. In horror movies, the lesson doesn’t stray far from ‘don’t open the door’ or ‘don’t go into the basement’ but in Disney movies the lesson tends to go deeper. Belle is taken prisoner by a Beast, but eventually  she gets passed the way he looks and discovers the heart of gold he has buried underneath all the fur and she falls in love with him. It might sound cheesy but the lesson of this story is to not judge a book by its cover, or a person by their looks. Just by looking at someone from a distance, you would have no idea about the kind heart a person may have. This movie encourages people to take the time to get to know people and discover what kind of heart they have buried within their fur.

Beauty and the Beast has always been my favorite princess story because of the lesson tied to it. This movie isn’t just directed at young children because it seems young adults can also relate and learn from this. “It is such a good movie. I strongly recommend,” Lee added.

Go see the movie while it is still in theaters. It is worth the cost, bringing back childhood memories and the magic of Disney.




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