A new addition has been made to Tower’s ever growing list of breathtaking artwork. This newest piece comes from Nancy Tran ’12, who created her piece from black and white photos from her trip to France. She then wove this picture with macro shots of the inside of a kaleidoscope. Nancy says that she was inspired by shape and color to create her piece. This project took Nancy about five days to complete. “It was tedious going around the contours, but good art takes time. It was worth it”.

Nancy displayed her artistic talents by creating her carefully thought out composition. “I like combining high-contrast neutrals with bright, saturated colors. This really juxtaposes well between the bleakness of the daydreaming gargoyles and pseudo-stained glass effect” she said. Anyone who looks at her artwork cannot deny that the contrast between the neutral colored photo and the vibrant kaleidoscope patterns make for a more interesting composition.

One unique thing about Nancy’s art is that it’s a virtual gateway into her past experiences. Viewers of her work get a taste of what it’s like to travel to France. It comes as no surprise, then, that Nancy thinks so highly of the Languages and Friendship program. “If you’re in doubt about going to France through the Languages and Friendship program, just go for it,” She urges. “It was among the best weeks of my life”.  

Nancy refuses to pursue a formal education in art. “It’s a hobby that doesn’t mix well with personal responsibility for me,” she says. Even if Nancy doesn’t pursue art in the future, Tower still has half a year to enjoy the artwork she creates before she graduates.



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