From laying in bed until noon to staying out til 3 a.m., the seniors of Warren Woods Tower definitely enjoyed their last holiday break with their friends, family, and just relaxation. Even though some may come home in later years from college to visit, this was the last high school holiday break for the class of 2012 to spend together.

“I went to basketball games to cheer on Treavor Gulock and the rest of Tower’s teams,” Nathan Olle ’12  said.  Going to games is something that Nathan enjoys; he likes to support his friends. Nathan also Enjoyed his break by hanging out with friends, Robert Kraft ’12, Kyle Gordon ’12, and Nick Kurtz ’13.

But, that’s not the only thing that Nathan did over break. He found himself sleeping in and joyous that he didn’t have to come to school.  Justin Waddle ’12, too,  spent most of his break sleeping and every once in a while finding himself out and about with his friends.

Since Warren Woods is a small district, most of the kids have been going to school together since they were in kindergarten. “I have been going to school with Westin Pulizzi for what seems like forever. We went bowling over break and it is going to be weird not hanging out with him next year,” Eric Eulitz ’12 said. 

Eric went to Florida over break to see his dad. When he was down there he went to the Notre Dame Football game against FSU. Eric is a huge fan of the Notre Dame football team, but his favorite team ended up losing by four points.

Eric spent about four days down there; he hung out at the beach and enjoyed the warmth before he had to come back to Michigan. Once he returned he went ice skating with Mike Fowler ’12, and many of his other friends. 

The seniors can all agree on one thing; “The bad things about breaks are that they always seem to go too quickly,” Quela Harris said.  She spent her break working at the mall in the Santa station. 

Quela is on the dance team and had to fit in time to go to practice while working. Staying busy wasn’t hard for her; she spent a lot of her break with her friends and seeing the people that she doesn’t get to see every day at school.

There will always be another break but the Senior class of 2012 is moving on from their last holiday break. Many students are starting to realize that their last five months of school are impending and needed to be made the best of. “Even though I am counting down the days till the next break, I am going to miss being with the people that I have been with for so long,” Sam Juszczyk ’12 said.



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