Here are the senior wills from the class of 2014!

Brook- Kaley

Kaley Brook:

I leave Emily Brook my sense of humor and stupid jokes that only I find funny. I leave Raeanne Candela my swimming skills and the ability to push through any set thrown at you. Good luck being the next Kaley Brook, but weirder! I leave my love for Nick Jonas to Mackenzie Regier and my love for Ryan Seacrest to Alison Hanson. And lastly, I leave absolutely nothing to Elizabeth Cupolo.
Future Plans- becoming an anthropologist and also publish a widely successful book with Cassidy Johncox and become rich and famous because of it.
College plans- spend on more year at Macomb to earn my Associate’s degree and then transfer to state to study Anthropology.






Jessica Chaffin:

I leave the underclassmen girls my ability to bum everyday to school. To James Chaffin, my athletic abilities, to get good grades and stay out of trouble-love you. To Joey Schindler, I leave you the title of class flirt for 2017. Have fun in high school and don’t forget we will get married.
Future plans- go to college for business.
College plans- go to Western Michigan University.







Chircop- Dillon


Dillon Chircup:

I leave my polka music to Mrs. Hohensee. To Feletia, I leave my stickers for all of her help.










Travon Cribbs:

I leave my best teachers to Bert. I leave my drink pass to Joe Spriet. To Caelan, I leave my music.








Doehring, Sara


Sara Doehring:

I will my positive attitude, drive to get good grades, quick learning ability, and self confidence to my sister, Lacie. Keep your head up when things get tough and remember- you can do this. Make our parents proud and be the amazing person I know you are. I love you, bug. Last, I will my soccer team the ability to make good choices and always keep their heads up. Never forget your love for the game. Remember, teamwork makes the dream work. I love you all.

Future plans- to go to college, become a registered nurse, get married, and raise a family.

College plans- I will attend MCC in the fall to finish prerequisites and transfer to Oakland University in two years to complete the nursing program.


Drabik- Sean


Sean Drabik:

“One day more, another day another destiny, another road to cavalry, these men who seem to know my crime will surely come a second time, one day more! I did not live until today! How can I live when we are parted! Tomorrow, we’ll be worlds away!”

I leave the site to whoever wants to write a review of Hobbit 3.







Noelle Ellavich:

I will Kayla Hinton my ghett music and my driving skills- like not stopping at stop signs. Jackie ledetter, I leave you the black girl in me. Lexi Sarotte, I leave you my pretty girl swag.

Future plans- attend Wayne State University for nursing.








Stephanie Hewelt:

I leave TeeTee to deal with the incoming freshmen, and hopefully they’re not that abd. I leave Alyssa with the sophomore classes and hope she does well. I leave my brother Nica with the ability to keep making good choices.

Future plans- becoming a police officer/forensic scientist.

College plans- go to Macomb for 2 years and transfer to Michigan State University.






Heather Hoogerhyde:

I give all of my homework to my sister Renae Hoogerhyde. I will my singing voice to Savannah Burbank and my acting skill to Jessica Hanna! I know you’ll kick butt next year in musical! I leave my drama to Mikhaila Kopp and my blow off classes to Jacob Kopp. I leave my lunch table to Leah Loconti and I leave my high school memories to all my friends. I love and will miss you so much.

Future plans- I will attend the University of Tennessee or Michigan in 2 years; going to Macomb in the fall.





Hanna Jazowski:

To Bailee Pilon and Teresa Satawa, I leave the sound board and my awesome ability to run sound. To the Alto sax section, I leave my awesome marching skills. To Jenn Knost, I leave you with your amazing friendship and my alto sax skills. To Hanna Pauling, I leave my thing one-ness. To the tech crew, I leave you guys my love for the Aud.
Future plans- attend college and find a major.
College plans- attend Western Michigan University.






Johncox- Cassidy


Cassidy Johncox:

I will all of my love and strength to Miranda Berisha and my knowledge and attentiveness to Jessica Hanna. I will both debit AND credit to Joe Hilliard, and the school website to anyone who loves Mrs. Curcio as much as I do.
Future plans- to live life to the fullest, graduate from college, and attend law school.
College Plans- attend James Madison pre-law at MSU. Sparty on!






Lucas Kelly:

I will my amazingly fast swimming skills to Jeff Paprika (Pokriefka). I will locker number 1 in the swim locker room to Brandon Elliot. Lastly, I will my endurance in the 500 yard freestyle to Johnny Portalski.
Future plans- Go to MCC to get prerequisites finished then transfer to Wayne State and major in pre-law.









Jeffrey Daniel King:

To Andrew Cicchelli, I leave my love, my compassion, my incredibly perfect spelling skills, and a lock of my hair. I have also hidden $50 somewhere in Mrs. Schmid’s room; find it and it’s yours. Good luck and God speed.
Future plans- become a rodeo clown whilst pursuing a career in Animal Acupuncture.
College plans- get my G.T.L. on.







Jessica Knost:

To Amanda Baruth, I leave you my determination to get good grades and to not give up. To my sister Jennifer, I leave you my ability to keep my room clean and my job at Taco Bell.
Future plans- I want to major in social studies and hope to become an elementary school teacher.
College plans- attend Macomb for another year then transfer to Oakland University.





Mark- Samantha


Samantha Mark:

I give all my homework to Elizabeth Mark. I give my attitude to Renae Hoogerhyde. I give my locker to some poor freshman that has to deal with the girly stickers. My saxophone skills will go to Savannah Frayer. I give my band locker to Alex Zocharski (please take care of it).

Future plans- go to college and take classes at Macomb to become a health teacher.







Sarah Mertz:

To Sabrina Pachla, I leave my sleepiness in classes and my outgoing self! To Michelle Westrick, I leave my athletic-ness and my attitude. To all the underclassmen, I give you the ability to not get ready and be lazy!
Future plans- to be a teacher.
College plans- Rochester College or Macomb.






Michon- Amber

Amber Michon:

To Denisa Husic, my favorite freshman, the ability to adapt and overcome any negativity brought your way and the strength to push forward on the journey to happiness. To Miranda Berisha, the ability to stay true to who you are and the courage to stand up for you believe in. To Savannah Pakulski, my greatest support system, the courage to win this everyday battle and become the beautiful, successful person you are destined to be. I love each of you with my whole heart and with you the best as you grow and prosper.
Future plans- be happy, adventurous, and live life.
College plans- go to MSU and pursue a career in psychology to help those in need.




Morgan- Arianna


Arianna Morgan:

To my brother, Corey Morgan, I leave my intelligence and my kindness. To all of the underclassmen, I leave my determination and joy of learning.
Future plans- I want to work at a research lab so I can develop a better treatment for MS patients.
College plans- I am going to MSU and will major in neuroscience.






Mors- Elizabeth


Elizabeth Mors:

I will Emily Hurst to have a wonderful senior year! I love you! Mackenzie Smith, good luck next year pole vaulting, you can do it! Last but not least, Ashley Wenson, have an amazing senior year and best of luck with color guard and cheer!
Future plans- going to college and becoming a teacher.
College plans- attend Michigan State University and major in Elementary Education.





Nichols- Erika


Erika Nichols:

I will the Green Club to Melissa Nichols so she can continue making Tower a greener place. Also, I will Alexa Andary all secretarial duties of NHS in order to maintain an organized organization. TO the clarinet section, good luck next year and always have your elbows up! I leave my leadership skills to Jessica Minch in hopes of creating a better section. Finally, I will my Titan Pride to ALL WWT students.
Future plans- to obtain a bachelor’s degree from MSU and possibly pursue a master’s.
College plans- attend MSU to major in Communication.



Pastrick- Elise

Lindy Pastrick:

I give luck to any girl that is forced to run the 2 mile relay, mile, and half mile in one meet because I won’t be able to anymore. Good luck to distance girls! I give my defending of The Wanted Strength to Katelyn Champine, you’ll need it! You know what day I wrote this on? Wanted Wednesday!
College plans- running for college and achieving more than I have already.









Josh Pickett:

I will my French speaking skills to Lisa Mucha, my wrestling skills to Tyler Vargo, my football skills to Darrel Cowart, and my ability to help others to Mackenzie Smith.
Future plans- to work and have fun.
College plans- go to Eastern or Central.








Alexis Pulizzi:

I will Mccall Radclif the happiness senior year gave me. To Megan Harder, my mental strength. To Sydney Harwick, my bomb basing abilities. To Emma Jazowski, my coolness. To Lexy Alessandrini and Kristen Chambe by ability to start with a bad art project and make it look cool in the end. And to Vanessa Candella, my love and dedication for cheerleading.
Future plans- to be happy, a successful surgeon, get stacks, and save lives!
College plans- attend Central Michigan University; Pre-Med.





Katie Savage:

I will the students to make long-lasting friends and memories throughout the rest of your years here, and to appreciate every day of high school you have left. I will you to make a change and to do great things with your life, both underclassmen and new seniors.
Future plans- band, photography career, and graphic design degree.
College plans- Oakland Community College for photography.



Becca Schulte:

To Emily Schulte, I leave my “dweebiness” and “happy-go-lucky” nature and all of my love. To Ray Schulte I leave my “Schulte swag” and my athleticism (go out for sports!). To Tori Papuga, I leave my “BB” altitude and the “Becky Syndrome” and open arms into the Schulte family. To McCall Radcliffe, I leave all of my senior memories, my happy moments, and all of my smiles and hope. To Jade Amalio, I leave my goofy and awkward faces in the hallway. And to Hannah Pauling, I leave my positive and spiteful personality and confidence.
Future plans- hollerin’ atcha boyz n’ makin’ dat cash.
College plans- MCC for a year and transferring to MSU or Wayne for Advertising/Business and then Wayne for Law School.




Daijah Somerville:

To the students, I will to you the imagination and creativity that we’ve used to build this school. I also will to you the power to let your voice be heard. Take a stand and be the best Titan you can be. Enjoy your last days in high school and change Tower from “one of the best schools” to “the best school”. Make memories with all of your friends and make these years at Tower count.
Future plans- going to be a cardiologist, oncologist, or pediatrition.
College plans- spend two years at Macomb then transfer to Grand Valley’s medical school.


Tate Keith


Keith Tate:

I will my lovely sense of humor to anyone who needs a smile on the gloomiest of days. My unwavering determination to those who need it most, when life knocks them down. My warm disposition to those who feel like there’s no one there for them; never lose hope. My lunch table to Leah Leconti. And to all future seniors, lead well and remember, we were all freshmen once. And to the underclassmen, learn from the upperclassmen to improve yourselves.
Future plans- becoming a mechanical engineer and making sure I live a happy life.
College plans- attending Wayne State University for Mechanical Engineering.


Yagloski- Heather

Heather Yagloski:

I leave my strong eyebrow game to Kayla Hinton, Darius Jordan my leadership position and skills within the “drink station” in foods class. My position as “Romeo and Juliet” in mock elections to Mary Weertz and Cory Soucie, and Jackie Ledbetter and Andrew Chase as well. My heart and soul to Mrs. Win and Mrs. Adams. I leave my music taste to Mr. Vukich and Dougherty. My prom court position to Mariana El-ali and Annmarie Prather. I leave all the titan terrace’s lemonade to James Chaffin. I leave Gracie Vanderven and Alexia Thacker with my academics and my sense of humor. Lastly, I leave Alexa Koulouberis with everything that wasn’t listed because I love her.
Future plans- to major in social sciences and psychiatry, to be positive, appreciate life, marry Jeff King, start a family, and be successful.
College plans- go to Macomb or Wayne State for two years, possibly transfer to Western, eventually go to Med School.




Jaylan Yancy:

I leave my basketball skills to Feletia. I leave my colored pencils to Bert, and to Caeelan, I leave my snacks.



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