Event Date Time
Senior Class Meeting Wed. 3/26 4th Hour
Prom Express Ticket Sale Sat. 4/19 12-2pm (Gym Atrium)
Powder Puff (Tentative Date) Thurs. 5/8 TBD
Prom @ San Marino Club Fri. 5/16 6:30 p.m.
Cap and Gown Distribution Thurs. 5/22 During School
Senior Sports Banquet Tues. 5/27 Sterling Inn 7pm
Senior Class Night (Seniors last day) Thur. 5/29 6:30 p.m. (Gown only)
Commencement Rehearsal Mon. 6/2 10:00 a.m. @Bethesda
Commencement Mon. 6/2 7:00 p.m. @Bethesda
All Night Party Mon. 6/2 9:30 p.m.
All Night Party Mon. 6/2 9:30 p.m.
TITAN ESPY’s (A new tradition) Thurs. 6/5 7:00 p.m.
Anticipated Senior Costs:
- Prom tickets will be $50 per person during express Sale 4/19, and $60 during normal sale April 22- May 7 during lunches. Tables are first come, first serve. Students will not be able to switch tables once they sign up for one.
- Senior dues will be $25 dollars for students that have participated in class fundraisers in the past or $35 for students that have not participated in class fundraisers. The money will be due in mid to late May.
- Student Fee’s include, but are not limited to book fines, uniform replacement, and any other outstanding fines or reimbursements owed to the school.
- All Night Party Tickets range from $30-$35 dollars each year.
- Seniors with an A or B in the 3rd and 4th quarter in a second semester course may opt out of the final exam for that course, IF they do not have an unexcused absence during the 2nd semester.
- Each Senior is given 10 tickets to commencement (Absolutely no extras will be given out, students may ask students for extra tickets). The tickets are handed out at commencement rehearsal as long as all student fees are paid in full. A list of fees will be posted in front of the main office in late May.
- Commencement tickets are distributed at commencement rehearsal, tickets will not be given to students with unpaid fines or Senior Dues. Make sure all dues and fines are paid by Friday May 30th.
- Get Baby pictures and your Senior picture into Mrs. Flanigan or Mr. Vernengo ASAP for senior slide show!
For further questions please call Mr. Ohrt 586-439-4402 or email at [email protected]
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