Are you interested in winning money? Are you a good writer? If so, join the 2013 Religious Freedom Essay Contest!

Presented by the The National Day of Prayer Warren Chapter, this year’s essay topic is: “Why is it important for individuals to be able to express their religious beliefs in Warren?’

The essay contest is available for those from grade 5 to grade 12. This year’s topic addresses the local and governmental conflict between religious freedoms and social norms. The contest is designed to challenge students to creatively solve problems in the realm of public policy through writing. A few questions have been given that should be answered throughout the essay:

  • What does the First Amendment and the Virginia Act of 1786 provide for citizens in the   area of Religious Freedom?
  • Are these liberties in conflict with society?
  • How can communities work together on varying differences?

The essay should not exceed 750 words and is due to be submitted by April 16th by 6 p.m.; turn it into the counseling office.Please submit your entry as a Microsoft Word document. Also be sure to include all essential information, including your name, address, phone number(s) and e-mail address in the body of the e-mail. Winners will be announced on the 26th of April. First place prize is $100 dollars. Only three winners are chosen out of many submissions. Winners also have the opportunity to:

  • Have their essay published in the National Day of Prayer Souvenir  Book
  • Have their essay read on TV1 Warren
  • Have their essay shared and posted in the Warren Public Libraries
  • Have their winning entry recognized at the National Day of Prayer on May 2, 2013 with hundreds of Warren residents
  • Have their picture taken with Warren Mayor Jim Fouts

Be sure to submit your essay if you’re interested!

*If you are interested in writing this and you have any questions (or need to know what the Virginia Act of 1786 is) see Mrs. Curcio in room 238.

For additional questions please contact Jocelyn Howard at 586-944-9076.



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