Givon Rabban is a power tumbler at All World Gymnastics Team Flip City. Power Tumbling consists of acrobatic and gymnastics all in one. “My expectations going into this sport were good and I wanted to get better at tumbling,” Rabban ’19. Rabban started tumbling in March of 2014 due to a friend sparking his interest. Givon wanted to do this sport to better himself and become more fit.


oing into the sport, the first thing I learned was how to flip,” Rabban said. He was ecstatic about learning this even though it was mildly easy. He practiced a lot to improve on his stunts. The days of the week are pretty insane for a tumbler. “Four days a week and four to eight hours long are the practice schedules,” Rabban said. His friends have motivated him to do what he loves and he pushed through all the hard work. “The things that inspired me were Kayla, who is my girlfriend,” Rabban commented.

He has worked hard to get to certain points that lead him into the competitions they sponsor. “I participate in Athletic Association Union with the other people I tumble with,” Rabban said. Many skills are required in this sport. To even be eligible to go into these competitions they have to be at a certain high skill level.

“I have accomplished a double front flip and twist, and I also have perfected my back tuck,” Rabban commented. He has strengths that consist of double lays but he also has weaknesses, timers and free tucks. “My favorite stunt is a 5 whip flick double,” Rabban said. Words his coach always says is “can’t is not a word,” said Coach Peter.

Throughout the years Rabban’s perspective has changed. “Many things are not easy but you get used to them and you work towards them,” Rabban commented. In order to work up too many obstacles he looked up to an American champion.” Aaron Cook ,the American Champion in 2009, is who I look up to” Rabban spoke. He also looks up to his coach and his teammates. His teammates never give up, this gives him a positive vibe and makes him work harder.

With all Rabban’s hard work he got himself a job at AGT Flip City as a coach for five to eight year olds. “The best part of this job is I get to teach the kids never give up,” Rabban said. He has the opportunity to teach these young kids what he knows and is able to share his love/passion for the sport. “I taught them how to do flips and advanced stunts,” Rabban stated. Givon works with them and helps them advance their skills and makes them work hard.

“A lot of things I do are self taught,” Rabban said. He has taught himself double backs, and the best way to do this is to practice them. “The best way for me to succeed is to work harder,” Rabban commented.

He is most proud of himself for being able to teach kids and support them. “In all of this I have broken my ankles but that’s it, which is better than most injuries,” Rabban said. “In the future I will probably stop tumbling after high school but I still will love the sport,” Rabban added.



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