Prom is coming up which means it’s time to spend money! This year prom will be held on Friday, May 12, at the Macedonian Cultural Center on Ryan Road in Sterling Heights . Doors will open up at 6pm. Dinner and dancing are from 7pm to 11pm. This year’s theme is an Enchanted Evening, hosted by the Class of 2018.

Tickets will go on pre-sale Saturday, April 8th at 11 am in the atrium, it will end at 2pm. Tickets at the Pre-Sale will be $65. The actual sale will be held on Thursday, April 13th and they will be $70.

In order to go to prom you must be a junior or senior or invited by one. Also, you must pass the academic check the prior week to prom. Students may leave at 10:40 on that Friday as long as they have a parent note. Students MUST be on time to all classes that day and MUST be in school for at least a half of day.

There will also be prom shirts for sale ! They will be $10 starting on March 27th and ending on March 31st. These will be sold during lunches throughout that whole week.

Make sure if you’re going you are prepared and have everything planned out! People may reserve a table with who they would like to sit with but only 8 people to a table.

Also, you might want to take a limo or party bus with your friends, make sure you book in advance! Don’t forget if your bringing a date and they are not from our school, they will have to fill out a guest pass, these can be found in the front office but they must be complete before buying the tickets!

Taylor Diamond a junior here at WWT has spent a lot so far!! She is beyond excited and cannot wait for the upcoming events that deal with prom. ” My dress is so pretty!  It’s a champaigne color and it is so classy,” Taylor said. She spent more then she wanted to for her junior year but it is completely worth it to her.


Limo/party bus: depending on how many people, anywhere from $600-$1000

Tux: $150-$200

Dress: $100-$500

Accessories: $70 including shoes

After Prom Food Snacks: $30 (depending on where you eat it could be more 🙂




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