Hey Seniors! Have you been thinking about what college you want to go to yet? You should be! In order to have a better chance to get into the college you want, you should be turning in applications as early as possible, preferably by the end of October. Do you want to make your college choice a little easier? As you may know, colleges have been coming to Tower in order to give you some information on their schools. However, how do you know when to go, and what you’ll get out of these meetings? Well, hopefully we can make things a little bit easier for you.

Colleges come in order to provide information about their school to people who could potentially be attending their schools in the not-so-distant future. Generally, these meetings involve facts about their school- what it takes to get in, what kind of money is required, what kind of programs you can find there, and what to expect when you attend.

Students that are potentially looking at any of these colleges should go to these meetings in order to further understand what goes on there, and to aid them in deciding if that is your particular school of choice. These schools are here to help you to decide what to do with your life, so you should utilize them. Also, for some colleges it’s an advantage to go, because they are able to scope you out and recognize you when you actually apply. In some of these schools, it gives you a huge leg up above the others, and you may be able to be entered right on the spot.

“I think it’s important to go because some information may be different. The colleges’ information fills you with stuff you might not know. All your questions can be answered and it’s a step up knowing [information now] so you’re not wondering later. It clears up a lot and gives you an advantage,” explains Marissa Petz ’12. Petz has gone to the visits for the University of Michigan, Oakland University, and Macomb.

Contrary to popular belief, the visits are not always during fifth hour. The colleges could be coming from any time between 8:00 and 12:30. So you can tell your fifth hour teachers to relax, their class won’t be interrupted each and every time a college comes in. However, make sure you ask your teachers if you are able to go first. It’s relatively easy to get permission from most of your teachers; it is your future after all. 

Although The University of Detroit Mercy, The University of Michigan, Michigan State, Macomb Community College, and Oakland University have all already been here, there are still many more colleges coming that can be available to you. The times and dates are all listed below, and they are also listed by the door to the Career Center.


October 20th, 9:30- Alma College

October 21st, 9:00- Lake Erie College

October 21st, 10:30- Regency Beauty (In the cafeteria)

October 24th, TBA- Baker College

October 25th, 9:00- Wayne State

October 26th, 12:30- Saginaw Valley State

October 27th, 1:00- Lawrence Tech

October 31st, 11:00- Central Michigan

November 2nd, 12:30- Eastern Michigan University

November 3rd, 12:30- Albion College

November 8th, 8:00- Northern Michigan


Hope to see you there!



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