Matt & Sam, Co-Editors-in-Chief

To have them with us was such a relief!

Matt with his coffee in hand,

Sam keeping her cool when things went unplanned

While we would worry & fret,

They soldiered on & excelled on the dot net


On the other hand, Paula was in charge of the print,

Certainly a difficult stint

As for Elaina, Titan of the Week was her domain,

Sometimes a frustrating task, nevertheless she remained (somewhat) sane


The trio of quiet experts, Brooke, Cara & Devin

Reported on everything from art & music, to opinion

Erika was a constant source of inspiration,

Taking on all tasks big & small from photography to innovation

Emily D., the dancer & music lover,

Was also always helpful, as we would discover


Known for her healthy appreciation of the bovine race,

Emily P.  could never be replaced

Chanel was employed as our errand runner & go-to student guide

It was a familiar sight to see her whiz by with her hair pink-dyed


The senior staff of Titan Nation is certainly one of a kind,

But they’re moving on to bigger & better things; their talent just couldn’t be confined…





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