The lock-in started at 7 o’clock on November 4th, where students came back to school that Friday night. All members were asked to wear a costume of their choice, such as Dorothy or a chilly Eskimo. “The lock-in is always a lot of fun and this year was no exception,” Ali El-Ali said. The dressing up adds a little fun to the festivity.
Food is generously provided by the officers themselves, including aid from the advisor Profesora Rokicki. Dishes fill the bellies of all the hungry NHS members, fueling them for their endless fun. Besides delicious pizza, students brought their own tasty treats to share.
Another entertaining group game with ensured hilarity was chicken in the hen house. Kids hustled with one another, trying their best to pose for the ridiculous actions that were being called out.
The whole lock-in event for NHS has one main focus. “The night is based on getting to know one another more a friend level than just being acquaintances,” Samantha Robert ’12, President of National Honor Society said. All the games and fun happenings are worked out to help the members come together and truly become a NHS family.
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