Annually, selected students are given the opportunity to experience a day of the factory life with the promotion of Manufacturing (MFG) Day. In October, the workers and machine operators of many different industries come together to provoke an inspiration towards the next generation of manufacturers within their communities.
In honor of MFG Day, students of Warren Woods Tower and Enterprise High School were taken on a tour of the label factory, ‘Whitlam Group’ in Centerline and learned new things of interest. This company specializes in label printing and packaging solutions and introduced the students to the production of them. Many found interest in the process of making labels,“I learned how a label is made including the design, printing and chemistry behind it,” Nicole Miller ‘18 stated.
“The guys at the Whitlam Group gave us a tour understanding how labels from wine, salsa or anything you basically come across at a store are made,” Ashley Redwick ‘18 explained of the tour.
Those working within the this field communicate their passion for their everyday work life to the students here at Tower. “I think the most interesting part about the experience was that everyone there seemed to love coming to work everyday considering the negative stigma that surrounds factory jobs,” Nicole Miller ‘18 stated.
Manufacturing Day allows students to embark decisions on future career paths and also provides opportunities to the students who are planning on working in other fields implying art skills, “Initially what interested me about going on the field trip was learning about other career paths involving art, especially graphic design,” Nicole explained.
“It gave me a brighter idea on what I would do in my future,” Ashley Redwick ‘18 exclaimed as she continued to explain her interest in pursuing this as a career as there is many options within this field.
Save the date for next years MFG Day if you are interested in learning more information about your options within this field!
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