‘Making It’, a relatable story for students, was performed by the Drama Club. This play incorporated twenty six students, and pertains to the everyday life of a high schooler. “It’s a story of the ordinary kids you see walking down any high school hallway. As the play evolves, the kids come to understand their own inner difficulties and how truly they are all the same, searching both to understand and accept themselves,” Patti Aurthur, a board member for the Drama Club, commented.
People involved in the play dedicated a lot of time towards its production. “Auditions were held at the beginning of October and then rehearsals began the following week at least four days a week, right after school, and will continue until the week of the production,” Patti relayed. This play was a big commitment for its members.
Tech crew, a separate entity, also committed time to the effort of the play. The tech crew is the behind the scenes people who help add to the performance. The members in tech crew work with the members of drama club to try and portray the best show possible. The tech crew is responsible for the lights and special effects throughout the production.
This play and all the other productions put on help fund Drama Club and their events, so the people involved can continue expressing their artistic interest. “The Drama Club is a self-funding entity. Since the fall drama is geared towards a smaller audience, we typically raise enough to cover the expenses of the current year productions and hope to keep funding for the following year,” Patti mentioned.
The play went well and brought in a decent amount of funding. “The play was successful yet more fundraising will be necessary,” Mister Whitfield ’16 mentioned. This play production attracted many people from within the district. “There was a lot of support from staff, teachers, students, and even some lunch aids came to watch,” Mister commented.
“The performers appreciate the support they get from their instructors and fellow classmates,” Patti added on the matter.
Generally the plays attract about 150 viewers; however the turn out for ‘Making It’ was better than usual with close to 200 attenders. “People really liked it, it seemed to be peoples favorite so far,” Alexia Thacker ’16 concluded.
*A slideshow with pictures from the performance coming soon!
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