On a recent field trip, select students got the rare opportunity to catch a glimpse of their possible careers. On October 3rd, the standard yellow buses traveled to MB Aerospace, on Manufacturing Day. MB Aerospace is a worldwide company which provides engineering and manufacturing to some of the world’s biggest businesses. From repairing to product building, Aerospace holds some of the most high-paying jobs in the area, with salaries ranging from $55,568 – $117,813 dollars.

Mrs. Geyman, a WWT counselor, helped organize the event. “Well, it was really in response to a nationwide event, Manufacturing Day. Macomb County organized this local event. Each public high school partnered with a business in Macomb County. We were very fortunate to be partnered with a local business, MBAerospace. Approximately 30 students from each high school toured the facility of their business partner,” Geyman explained.

Students were selected from Programming, AP classes, or anyone in general who was interested in attending. “I wanted to experience the works of engineering, and computer programming so it can help me determine my future,” Torrance Jones ‘12 said.

The students left from Warren Woods Tower early in the morning, travelling out of school for 2 1/2 hours. They were greeted at the facility and told to put on standard safety equipment. After, the students were presented with a summary of what they’d be doing, and the tour began.
Many aspects of Aerospace were explored, complete with three sections of the tour: Engineering, Quality/CMM, CNC Mills & Lathe. Engineering showed some of the parts which were used to build, fitting in the programming portion. Quality/CMM took the students to the inspection room, and CNC Mills & Lathe brought the groups back up to the presentation room, for a quick slideshow.
For Aiden Ottoson ‘12, he thoroughly enjoyed each section of the tour, specifically the Quality/CMM room. “My favorite activity was measuring the bowls,” Ottoson says.

After touring the factory, the students were brought back for any questions or comments. Shortly after, a group photo was taken, and the students were taken back to Warren Woods Tower. Many of the students had enjoyed their time with Aerospace, some learning more about Manufacturing than they initially knew. “This trip expanded my knowledge of engineering, and what it involves,” Jones stated, after the trip.

Mrs. Geyman shared a similar experience, “I think it was a valuable and appreciated experience, both for MBAerospace and the school. There was really good feedback, from our students and from MBAerospace. I think this will foster some future activities and opportunities for the students at Tower.”

Although this was a first for partnering up with Aerospace, the result of the trip was a success, which would hopefully bring on a future partnership.



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