As many of you have probably heard, Woods-Tower was challenged by New Haven High School to do a lip dub video. A lip dub video is a “lip synced video that is shot in one continuous shot with no edits. So if you mess up you have to start over,” Mr. Martin said, “We’re going to try to feature every club, group of people and sports team while showcasing our school itself.”
In order to win this lip dub contest, have bragging rights, and show off our school spirit, there are certain requirements. “It has to be at least five minutes, we have to have our principal, a musical instrument, a textbook, and some type of school identification,” said Mr. Martin. That means break out all of your Titan pride gear Tower!
There is no limit to how many students can be in this video, but we encourage everyone to participate in it. Not only students are allowed to be in the video, teachers are too. “In fact they’re encouraged,” Mr. Martin stated. Other member of the Woods-Tower staff are also welcome.
Tower is not the only school participating in this contest, schools throughout Macomb County are doing their own lip dubs. In order to increase length there will be two songs in the video, but the songs have yet to be determined. much thought is going in to choosing a song for the video. The school appropriateness of the song must be ensured.
The lip dub video will take place all throughout Tower as well as outside on our campus as well. The date is set, as of now, for Wednesday November 23rd the half day before Thanksgiving break. Show up and support our school by showing your spirit in our own music video!
Listen in the announcements for more information about meetings when and where they are going to be!
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