Many kids were in Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts when they were little, however not many kids have stuck to it up to this point. Yet Senior, Jeff Prokriefka has been in Cub Scouts since first grade and has been in Boy Scouts since sixth grade, making it twelve years total! His goal is to achieve the rank of an Eagle Scout; an Eagle Scout is the highest ranking you can earn in Boy Scouts.

“My brother is an Eagle Scout and I always enjoyed Boy Scouts. I’ve put a lot of time into Boy Scouts and I want to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout,” Jeff Prokriefka  ’16 states.

Boy Scouts do a lot of different activities throughout the year; however there are some activities that are consistent every year. Some of the activities that are repeated each year are the first aid merit badge, cooking merit badge, summer camp, and general camping once a month.

“My favorite memory of scouts is being at my brother’s eagle ceremony and watching him get recognized for it. It made me want to become an Eagle Scout so I could be in that position someday,” Prokriefka ’16 explains.

Becoming an Eagle Scout is not an easy thing to do; it requires a lot of effort and dedication. To become an Eagle Scout you must complete all the ranks before it, as well as complete additional merit badges. You must also complete a service project that benefits that community in some way, shape or form. Finally there is a lengthy review process, interviews, and reports that must be conducted.

“My Eagle Scout service project is building a display case for the WWT Band, to be able and display all of the awards and trophies that the band has won,” Prokriefka ’16 says.

Along with Jeff being involved in Boy Scouts, he is also involved in many activities inside of school. Some of these activities include: Varsity Swim, National Honor Society, Record Club, WWT Band, etc. However some of the best lessons he has learned are from being a Boy Scout.

“My favorite part of Scouts is the opportunities it opens up for me. I’ve had the privilege of learning about things like archery, rock climbing, rife shooting, music, first aid and many other topics I wouldn’t have had the chance to learn about if it were not for scouts,” Prokriefka ’16 explains.

Jeff will be finishing his twelve years with Boy Scouts this year after getting the rank of Eagle Scout. He plans on using everything that Scouts has taught him, and bring it with him wherever he goes.



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