Every senior right now is impatiently counting down the days till their high school lives are over. Tower students have exactly four months and twenty-one days left. The last day of school seems so far away, but some students aren’t anticipating graduation in May. Their end is a little closer. Three seniors this year have made the choice to graduate early and get out of high school way before the typical May 31st.
Jasmine Nance ’12 is one of those students who made the choice to graduate before the official end of the school year. Her last day is January 20th which is right around the corner. “I am ready for high school to be over. I want to get started on college early,” Jasmine says. She has already taken political science and geography classes at Macomb Community College this year and plans on enrolling herself into more after she graduates.
One advantage to graduating early is that allows students to prepare themselves for college. Others, like Ali Wilczak ‘12, intend to use their early graduation to get “more sleep and make money,” with an early “summer” job. Ali’s last day is next week Friday, the last day of the first semester. She is deciding to get a job in hopes to save up money for her tuition to Wayne State University.
To be able to graduate early, a student have all of the high school requirements before at the end of their first semester of senior year. Getting these credits allows them to have the opportunity to leave before everyone else.
If asked, there would be a mixed response if seniors want to graduate early or not. Some say that finishing out the year is a must, but others want to get out as soon as possible. “I am ready to go into the real world and do what I always wanted to do. I’m ready to be an adult,” Laura Ahee ’12 says. She is the third senior here at Tower that made the choice to graduate early.
Laura began classes at MCC on January 9 and will attend Tower till the 13th. She plans on transferring to Michigan State when she is ready. Her reward is starting college ahead of time, getting the classes she wants along with the times she pleases.
“I strongly suggest others to graduate early,” Laura says. All three girls in fact advise others to do the same if it is what they want to do. Most seniors don’t know they have the opportunity to graduate beforehand. It is a personal choice, but if made, it can really press forward a students education.
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