Being in high school and not having money of your own might be a challenge for many teenagers. There is an easy solution to this problem…get a job! That’s, however, can be a difficult and confusing process. Finding a job for kids with no job experience can be very challenging, so here are just a few pointers with how to find and interview for a job.
Step one: knowing where to look is the first thing that can help you reach success with finding a job. Read local newspapers and go into businesses to see if they are hiring. The best thing is to network, that is talking to people who might know of opportunities that they can help you get involved in.
Step two: After you have found place to apply: applying online is always good, but a better way is to go into the business and see if you can apply in person. Once you begin to fill out the application be prepared with a résumé. If you don’t have a lot to put on it then write down your goals that you would like to get out of the job.
The DO’s
- Know the background of the company
- For each job application don’t put the same old thing. Make it personalized to each individual job. This shows that you know what you are talking about and have the capabilities to do the job.
The DON’T’s
- Just fill it out like you don’t care,
- Make it seem like you have no idea what you’re talking about.
Step three: The interview is the most important part of this process, if you don’t give them the right impression you have lost all hope.
How to dress
- Girls – wear dress pants with a solid color tee or a button up; NOT low cut. You can wear a pin skirt, NOT short and NOT tight. Less is more, don’t go all out on makeup and hair.
- Boys – khaki pants or dress pants, with a button up shirt or polo.
Step four: About 2 – 3 days after the interview send them a thank you note. This shows them that you are still interested in the job and are grateful for them to even consider you. It makes you stand out compared to the others.
Step five: The follow up – after about 10 days give the company a call and tell them that you are still interested and would love to know if they were still considering your application.
With all of these tips you should be successful in finding and getting a job, if you don’t get the job, keep trying until you do!
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