On November 13th Warren Woods Tower gave there donation to the Karmanos Caner Center. “As a school were raised $640 to give to cancer research and it was a group effort,” Olivia Camp ‘16 HOSA president said.
“The HOSA organization came up with an idea to raise money for a cancer society,” Camp said. Cancer is a large part of everyday life in society so HOSA wanted to shed some light on this situation. “We came up with 2 shirt designs and sold them to the student body. The amount we sold was crazy and everyone played a role in the money we raised,” Olivia said.
HOSA had another great idea and that was to sell ribbons. “We made these cancer ribbons and sold them for $.25 in the cafeteria and we also sold cookies in the Titan Terrace,” Olivia shared.
When a women from Karmanos came to collect the check for $640 the HOSA team made sure that she had a warm welcome. “We had balloons and snacks making sure she knew that we were happy to have her,” Camp said.
All the members of HOSA had a really good time and learned new things that were very interesting. “All the money that was raised stays in Detroit and that is interesting to me because I always thought that it went somewhere else,” Zoe Davies ’16 said. Zoe had some cool ideas on what HOSA could do next and she would love to see it happen. “I would like HOSA to go to a soup kitchen in our area because I want to help people that are close to us,” Davies said.
The HOSA teachers that really helped out to make all of these things possible would be Ms. Domenica Rutkowski and Mrs. Marie Vanhuysse. “I have been a part of HOSA for 23 years,” Ms. Rutkowski said. Ms. Rutkowski and Mrs. Vanhuysee were really happy with their students and can’t wait for what comes next. “The HOSA kids did amazing with organizing this whole thing, it was a really school effort and it was good to see everyone working together,” Ms. Rutkowski said.
HOSA doesn’t know what they are planning next but they can’t wait to get involved again. “The look on the women’s face when she got the check made everyone smile and it was a good feeling and we can’t wait until we do it again,” Camp said.
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