ABC’s hit show “Grey’s Anatomy” is back on the charts. The show focuses on a bunch of surgeons living their daily lives at the hospital and at home, who are all very good family and friends. The popularity went down for the show for a couple seasons but then regained it strengths when the show came up with more drama and more story.

The show began to air on September 24, 2015 for its 12th season and it has been amazing so far! After the ending of season 11, one of the most important characters passed away, Derek Shepherd, and everyone was upset and shocked including me! That’s why with season 12 I can figure out, along with everyone else, what happens after. This season picked up right where it left off and it is still amazing. “I always want to figure out what happened with all the deaths and stuff, and figure out how they are going to continue the show and their lives on the show,” Tori Cudini ‘16 said.

The drama and the love is what carries me through the show. I love seeing the new relationships and see how everyone gets to cope with things that have happened. I know they Meredith Grey lost Derek Shepherd, but now I get to watch her learn how to cope and how she has to lean on her friends and family to cope with her loss. We are also seeing the struggle of April Kepner and Jackson Avery try to keep their marriage alive while she is away. Which I feel is sad and hope works out because they are my favorite couple. “My favorite part about the show is Meredith because she is sassy like me,” Cudini ‘16 said. You can never not love the sassiness.

For the people who have never seen “Greys Anatomy”, I recommend you watch

  1. It is now one of my favorite shows because a friend of mine introduced it to me. It has my interest in any kind of medical field. It teaches me medical terminology that I will need to know. But most of all it does show me the love for family and friend. It taught me good morals about how you need friends and family in your life.

I always hear people talking about the show in good ways. I get good reviews for the show. “I have never heard anything bad about they show, but if it has been on for 12 seasons there has to be something good going for it.” Dakota Fulton said. If you heard anything bad about the show, you cannot listen to them until you have watched it for yourself!

Overall, the new season of “Grey’s Anatomy” is at a high notch for watching! It may have its ups and downs for some people, but it is still a great show to watch and I really recommend it.



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