This week, the Green Club is calling you to action!

From April 14th through the 17th, the Green Club (“an environmental organization that is aimed at preserving and protecting the environment in the school and the surrounding community”) wants you to help show your love to the environment!

A major goal is to make sure students know of ways to conserve energy, such as:

  • -Plug air leaks in windows and doors
  • – Walk, Bike, Carpool, or use public transportation
  • – Replace standard light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs
  • – Recycle and buy minimally packaged goods as much as possible
  • -Always run your dishwasher full

On Tuesday, the Green Club wants you to “take a breath and garden”. The club members will be planting plants in the garden at Tower, as well as installing student-made bird houses. If you want to help, join them after school by the old school house!

Also, it’s Tree Tuesday! Send the Green Club a selfie of you hugging a tree (or something else green) to their twitter @WWTGreenClub .

On Wednesday, the Green Club will be unveiling Warren’s first Free Little library. Books will be lent out on an honor based system of free borrowing and returning. If you’d like to help, you can donate your unused books during lunch (you’ll even get a free organic sucker!). Children’s books and young adult novels are the types of donations needed.

Thursday will be Green Day. Wear green to show your support for the environment, and even get in the group photo in the commons!


The Green Club can also be found on social media, so find them and keep up with their latest contributions to the environment!

Twitter: @WWTGreenClub

Facebook (join the club): WWT Green Club


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to email Mrs. Kujawski or Mrs. Jennings.

[email protected]

[email protected]



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