Reduce, reuse, recycle, don’t pollute, respect animal habitats, don’t litter; these are all common ideas that most fail to act on. That’s not the case for WWT’s Green Club. The Green Club, which has sponsored several conservation projects throughout the past four years, recently held a fundraiser known as “Penny Wars” to raise funds to save an endangered species.
“This is our fourth year now. Our green club wanted to support the World Wildlife Fund. During our first year, we, as a new club, and being volunteer based, did not have any money. We brainstormed and argued amongst ourselves over which animal to adopt, and soon, the idea of a student vote bubbled up; leading to the idea of Penny Wars,” Green Cub Advisor, Mrs. Jennings, said.
The concept was very simple. The Green Club selected three different endangered species off of WWF’s list to support. Jugs with the animals’ photos were displayed in the cafeteria. Students placed money into the corresponding jug of the animal they wanted to support. Whichever animal received the most funds was “adopted”. As an added bonus, those who donated at least a quarter received a YummyEarth organic sucker.
“We needed a minimum of $50.00 per adoption for one year. This money goes to protect the habitats of the endangered animal. WWF send us a picture, an adoption certificate, and a small stuffed animal,” Jennings stated.
“The choice was between a Polar Bear, a Blue Footed Booby, the Emperor Tamarin, and the Red Panda. For the 2013/2014 school year, the Red Panda won,” Jennings said.
According to Mrs. Jennings, this will not be the end of the Green Club’s projects for this school year.
“We will probably have a house plant sale in the early spring. If it seems like there may be an interest, we could sell Green Club T-shirts again too.”
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