Two years ago, Warren Woods Tower began the eponymous club that keeps our school green. Many of our Seniors may remember a time when only a select group of teachers had recycling bins in their rooms. However, after the MISD challenged schools to become “green schools,” that all changed, and the Green Club was born.

The Green Club, lead by Mrs. Okroy and Mrs. Jennings, is all about promoting the salvation of our school’s environment by teaching it how to be green. One of the best things about the Green Club, according to Mrs. Jennings, is that it has “school-wide recycling,” and that it “fosters good Earth stewards.”

This upcoming year the Green Club has a full agenda. They plan on adopting another endangered species on behalf of WWT in addition to last years’ blue-footed booby (a tropical bird from the Galápagos Islands), and the previous year’s polar bear, as well as many recycling activities. There is a possibility of a weekend event with the Interact Club designed to recycle electronics that are no longer of use to the owner. “We are hoping for it to be a fundraiser, but we also get to work with another club,” said Mrs. Jennings, “…the satisfaction of knowing we are keeping not only bulk, but dangerous electronics out of the landfills is enough [incentive] for us.”

In addition to all this, the red bins in all the classrooms are still available to recycle plastic, glass, cardboard, and paper. It takes little effort to not throw your used homework in the trash and instead turn it into something that can be used later.

The Green Club started last Wednesday and many students showed up to see what the club was all about. “I joined because the world is a dirty place, so with a little work, I believe we can make it better!” exclaimed Renee Minch ’12.

At the meeting, students discussed topics such as the recycling event, what endangered animals they could adopt, and how to make crafts from trash. “It was more fun and close knit than it seemed like it would be. And everyone’s ideas are heard,” said Maryse Wilson ’12, a first time member.

The Green Club meets once a month after school on Wednesday. You don’t need to do anything special in order to join, you just need to show up! By showing up, you can learn how to help to make a difference in our environment.



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