The Green Club is putting on a penny war fundraiser between November 11th and the 18th to raise money to adopt an animal. They are also selling baked goods during lunches in the hopes that they will raise enough profits to adopt an animal. “Green Club adopts an animal every year because we strive to help save not only the environment, but also the animals affected by it,” Renee Minch ’12 said.
Last year, the Green Club adopted a blue footed booby and the year before that, they adopted a polar bear. The adoption choices this year are a giraffe from the Detroit Zoo, an Emperor Monkey, or an Emerald Crested Hummingbird. “We thought it would be better if we could involve the whole school in deciding which animal we chose, so we’re having a ‘penny war’,” Renee said. The humming bird and monkey are both $50, but the giraffe is $40. The Green Club hopes to raise enough money to adopt at least one of these animals
[slideshow id=9] Renee also mentioned the possibility of adopting more than one animal. “It’s possible to adopt more than one, but we only planned on adopting the winning animal,” she said. Students who want to participate in this fundraiser should check out the Green Club table during lunch and donate their change to whichever animal they want the club to adopt.
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