Brandin “German Dave” Schultes ’12, one of the starting wrestlers at Woods-Tower has been having a spectacular season. Starting in 8th grade, Brandin’s wrestling career began simply; He joined the team because most of his friends were and he needed something to do. However, his stupendous work ethic led him to the top.
Brandin has been working diligently to win the state title. The infamous title, “German Dave,” was a product of his wrestling career. At a wrestling camp, when others were getting to know him, he stated that he was German. The other wrestlers quipped up a nickname, stating that “German Brandin” just didn’t sound right. Quick capricious thinking led to the nickname German Dave and his nickname has stuck for the rest of his high school years.
This year German Dave is facing greater challenges then he did last year. He is wrestling in a higher weight class. This means that he is wrestling people that might be heavier than him. Going from wrestling in the 171 weight class to the 189 weight class was a big change for him, “Wrestling at 171 just wasn’t healthy anymore because I was always trying to cut weight and I didn’t have a lot of energy,” German Dave said.
With 23 wins he seems to be doing spectacularly in the new weight class. He is ranked number 8 in the state and has beat out kids that are ranked higher. This season alone he won the county championship. ” I am working at 150% to reach my goals for senior year,” Brandin exclaimed.
German Dave is making sure that he is doing everything he can to stay at the top of his game. “I work out every day, even outside of practice I am doing whatever it takes to be the best,” he stated.
With his friends standing behind him they cheer him to victory from the sidelines. “I love watching him wrestle, it’s so in the moment and just gets me hyped up. German Dave is great at what he does and I plan on going to watch him wrestle more,” Chad Johns ’12 said.
The team overall is having a great season and they still have a ways to go before it’s over. “Brandin is definitely one of our leaders, he puts in a lot of extra work, and it is showing through in his matches,” Coach Mayer said. “He set himself up right, ending last year strong and going into this year with the right attitude.”
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