The Gay Straight Alliance Club has started again at Tower. The Gay Straight Alliance Club (GSA) was introduced to the student body by Mr. Dougherty and Mrs. Morse, to bring understanding and acceptance of the diverse culture of WWT. “Just because someone is different, does not mean they should feel unsafe,” Mr. Dougherty, GSA Club Advisor, said.

            GSA meets every other Thursday, twice a month in room 211, immediately after school dismissal (2:20). The next meeting will be held on November 9th. Anyone may join and attend meetings. GSA is an all-inclusive club, open to all students. “I think GSA will help others understand how it feels to be gay,” Stefanie Degiovanni ’14 said.

            “I think a lot of discrimination against gays and lesbians stem from personal insecurities, bigotry, and ignorance. I feel this school is improving, but still has a long way to go, in regards to the LGBT Community, which Tower does have. Too many people are afraid to be true to themselves and admit their sexuality because of fear,” Nicholas Fisher ’13 said.

            The original purpose of this club was to create a space where students feel free to be themselves and express their sexuality without having to worry about other students’ intolerance and immaturity for who they love. “I joined because I want others to feel comfortable with themselves, like I am,” Degiovanni said.

            Prior to this year, the GSA was active in the 2009-2010 school year, however, due to lack of student participation was forced to go dormant. This year, the GSA is up and running again. Meetings should be expected every 2 weeks.

For further group meeting dates, be sure to pay attention to daily school announcements.



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