Freshman volleyball has come to an end at Warren Woods Tower. The girls matured and found something that they feel a part of. The Titans team is 2-8 in their league and this record gives the girls the motivation to improve in their years of volleyball to come.

The assistant coach Olivia Camp is a senior at Warren Woods Tower and helped with the girls training and improving because she has played volleyball throughout her life. “We do a lot of drills to skill build and we have the girls pick their favorite drill to do, we work well in practice together,” Olivia Camp ’16 said.

The team is in a positive mind space and when playing a game they work together as a unit. “We had a good season, the girls all improved so much from where we started,” Camp said.

Some games make the team feel like they can’t move forward but the strong team always does. “There are a few games where we went above the final score to win by 2 points but then something would happen and we would lose and that was hard on the girls,” Camp shared.

“I love being a part of volleyball,” Kailee Coles ‘19 said. Playing games against other schools is a large part of volleyball and it can be hard when you lose. “I think we should have won all our games,” Coles said. Freshman sports aren’t a large part a high school, it is hard to get any attention. All the attention goes to Junior Varsity and Varsity. “I get support from my friends and teachers but the students need to get more involved,” Coles shared.

“I enjoy playing volleyball because I am the libero, and that is exciting to me,” Shelby LaBonty ‘19 said. A libero is a rearmost, roaming defensive player and is a very important aspect in a game, and it makes the player feel important.

Even when the players lose a game there is always something to improve on. “I think we should have won all our games, we made stupid mistakes that we shouldn’t have,” LaBonty said.

“I think everything happens for a reason, if the team lost we can look at it as a way to improve in the future,” Corrina Hall ’16 said. Corrina a big fan of volleyball that cheers on the team as much as she can. “Going to the games remind me of the fun I used to have with my family playing volleyball,” Hall shared.

Freshman sports don’t get a lot of support, so it is a change to have someone cheering them on. “I think there is never enough support because the more support a team has the more confidence they gain,” Hall said.

The girls are saying goodbye to their first year of high school volleyball. They have learned valuable lessons that will help them succeed in the future. High School sports bring friendships that will last a lifetime and memories that they will cherish forever.



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