Everyone has something that they are naturally really good at. Some people who are naturally graceful become dancers. Some people who run really fast join track. For freshman Emily Brook ’15, that special something is tennis.
Brook joined tennis this year not expecting very much. “Honestly, I did it to slowly get back in shape for volleyball and do something with my friends,” she explains. However, then something happened that she did not expect. Brook made the varsity squad.
“It’s a lot to take in,” she says, “I feel like by senior year I’ll have to be amazing.” The pressure is on. However, Brook does not let this get her down. She is doing extremely well for her lack of team experience. “I took lessons in the summer a couple of years ago just to see what tennis would be like but that’s about it,” she confesses.
Imagine if you were the only freshman on a mostly upperclassmen-dominated sport. You had no previous team experience, and have to learn how to do everything for the first time. That would make you nervous right? Well for Brook that wasn’t much of a problem. “In the beginning of the season I thought they wouldn’t like me because I was a silly little freshman but I was completely wrong. My teammates are great. They are so nice and they are hilarious.”
And who wouldn’t be nice to her? On top of everything sport-wise, Brook is an extremely sweet person who no one can help but like. She is doing exceptionally well in her new environment and has hopes for her team to do well in the future. “I think we will do great at regionals and hopefully go to states,” she enthuses.
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