Elizabeth Cupolo ’15 travelled a long distance this summer. After a twelve hour, five thousand mile plane ride, Elizabeth had arrived in Italy. “I hated it (the flight.) Every time that we hit turbulence I thought we were going down,” she said, “But, I was able to watch a ton of movies!” she added.

Stopping in Potenza, Italy first, Elizabeth was able to visit with family for four days. She dressed to the nines for her cousin’s wedding where she danced and had a wonderful night. From Potenza, the Cupolo family packed their bags and headed to Venice, Pisa, Florence and, last but not least, Rome.

“I enjoyed every part of the trip! I really enjoyed Florence though, and Venice was just beautiful. I loved Rome too because it’s an incredible city, much like everywhere else in Italy,” Elizabeth stated. Evidently, when you’re in a country as beautiful as Italy, it can be hard to pick a favorite place.

Although Italy is beautiful, it’s the little things that can easily tamper with your ability to enjoy such a new setting. “In Florence, we went out to eat and I had an allergic reaction to the food we ate and my face puffed up,” she complained. “Also, in Rome there was this Roman forum which is an ancient Roman ruin. We were there all day and once you’ve seen one ruin, you’ve seen them all,” she added. The one thing she didn’t get tired of, “Shopping! Duh!”

When you’re in a new country, you are clearly going to experience several new things. “I got to go out to bars with my cousins and drink wine with my dinner, which was new to me,” Elizabeth said. In Italy, you are allowed to drink at 16. However, Elizabeth noticed that the Italians know how to handle their alcohol – not once did she see anyone who drank too much. Everyone drank responsibly.

Elizabeth enjoyed every aspect of Italy. However, it is such a big country that she did not get to experience everything in her agenda. “I was hoping that in the two weeks we’d be there, we would have had time to visit neighboring countries,” she said.
In the future, Elizabeth plans to continue to embrace the travel-bug. Although travelling is expensive, she would like to travel to countries such as Spain, England, and France. “It is a lot of fun being immersed in a culture different than what you’re used to. It’s very eye opening and exciting!” Elizabeth exclaimed. She believes that when given the opportunity, people should take it and enjoy every second of it.



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