For those of you who did not attend the Harlem Wizards game on Monday, you sure missed out! You may remember last year, some of the players visited the classrooms in addition to an assembly to get students hyped up for the game and encourage attendance. However, this year, they did not visit the classrooms and the assembly was only available to those who had a signed test that they received an A or a B on or a teacher vouching for the fact that they had greatly improved on a test, a good way to encourage good grades.

So basically, not everyone got to experience the Wizards. For those who didn’t, here’s how the game works. Last year, the National Honor Society planned the Harlem Wizards game in an effort to raise money for charity. The Harlem Wizards are a world renowned basketball team who plays more for entertainment than for the sake of the game. Though they focus more on entertaining the crowd, that doesn’t mean they aren’t excellent players, because they most definitely are.

The Wizards play against teachers and some players from our school’s basketball team, and the teachers who play are determined by which teacher received the most monetary donations. “The money obtained from this night goes to suicide prevention,” says George Higgins ’12 , National Honor Society treasurer. Mrs. Schmid and Mr. Marchand were the lucky winning teachers who got to participate in the games, along with several other teachers from the middle and elementary schools.

The Wizards tend to go easy on the opposing team when it comes to playing, but don’t hesitate when it comes to poking fun at them, though all in good fun. All in all, the night proved to be very entertaining for all who attended students, parents, and players alike. If you missed it next year, be sure to attend this crowd-pleaser next year.



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