The latest installment to the Rocky movie series has recently released in theatres. Undoubtedly, the anticipation for Creed has led to booming box office sales, tickets have totaled up to selling $73,436,246. With rave reviews and various award nominations, Creed has captured the attention of millions and there are numerous reasons (some of which are listed below) as to why.

One of the reasons Creed is so great is because it has a fresh new take on a classic series. While it is obvious that Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) is still an important piece, he also takes a step back and allows Adonis Creed (Michael B Jordan) to take the spotlight. Son of Rocky’s long time rival and best friend Apollo, Adonis hopes to one day be as great as his father and perhaps create a legend of his own in the process. To do this he enlists the help of the long retired Balboa, whom reluctantly agrees to train Adonis.

Another reason to tune into Creed at the theatre is because the plot is extremely believable. All of the characters work to get to the point that they are, the effort to get Adonis into the ring is not simply based of his talent alone. While it’s obvious and necessary for the plot of the movie that Adonis has already cultivated some of his skills and has a strong love of the sport, he still strives to better himself with the help and support of those around him. In addition, the struggles that the characters face throughout the entirety of movie add a sense of realness and humbleness that many movies- especially of this genre- lack.

There are so many different facets of the movie that prevent it from being a run of the mill one-dimensional fighting movie. There are so many other goals interspersed as the film progresses, instead of just winning the starring fight against unbeatable odds. In not only the acting and presentation does Creed stand out but also in production and in the writing. The cast and crew certainly pay homage to the Rocky franchise, unlike some spin-off sequels where the previous main characters are ignored or discarded; Balboa remains an imperative part of the plot and to the growth of the characters. In turn, the film expresses an appropriate sense of homage to one of the world’s most well known boxer- even if he is fictional.

Overall, Creed has all the makings to be a classic and an honorable addition to the Rocky franchise. With a multi-faceted approach to the standard boxing movie and a realness that does not make it seem outlandish, the cast and crew have truly done a remarkable job. With a fresh new look to a series that some might’ve thought was overdone; it can be argued that the creators and actors of Creed- including all others involved in its production- have revamped the franchise and re-introduced it to the new generation.



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