The two week period from October 31st to November 10th was marked by dozens of students sprinting down hallways, wading through pools and lifting weights – known to most as winter conditioning. This conditioning session  isn’t just for one sport; Boy’s and Girl’s Basketball, Wrestling, Boy’s Swim and  the Girl’s Soccer team use this time to  prep for their season and get excited and  involved in their upcoming sports.

Joe Zannetti '12 works hard to improve his skill before his senior year Basketball season.

 This year’s winter conditioning the girl’s basketball team’s entered the workout fray. “We are all athletes and the girls help push the guys to do better,” Mr. Mayer, wrestling coach, said. Mayer is one of the coaches who helped run these groups along with Coaches Rohloff, Correll, Weidmen, and Evola.

Every student involved got a taste of what a workout for each of the winter sports was like. “We get a chance to get out of the gym and do new things with other people. It’s fun to be able to workout with the girl’s teams and see how hard they work,” said Joe Zannetti ’12.

“I liked working with the boys because it made us push ourselves harder to show them up,” said Natalie Werner ’12. All of the sports have been working hard and are hoping to have great seasons.



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