Warren Woods Tower High School is a place where almost any student can find something to be involved in. Whether it is a club or a sport, belonging to a group allows you to go outside your comfort zone and make new friends and have fun! Clubs can give you something to always look back on and treasure the memories you made. So go out, get involved, and have a great time.
French Club- Meet once a month with over 100 members (you don’t have to take French to join!) to share in movies, field trips such as plays and restaurants, yummy French pastries, and designing many cool new t-shirts. French Club is all about spreading awareness of the use of the French language in our country today. They have also supported a child in Haiti for 6 years now, and are housing an exchange student over the summer for a month. Advisor: Mme Martin.
Spanish Club- Members (you don’t have to take Spanish to join!) meet twice a month to celebrate the Spanish culture and meet new people. They get together to plan outside of school activities such as field trips to the DIA or Mexican Town, along with designing shirts, playing games, making crafts, and watching movies. Advisors: Senora Rokicki.
HOSA- This nursing group allows students to learn new skills needed in the medical field and compete in local, state and national competitions. Advisors: Mrs. Rutkowski and Mrs. Vanhuysse.
StuCo- Meeting every Wednesday, students meet and plan events such as Homecoming, Snowcoming, Secret Santa, and more. Also, StuCo plans teacher luncheons and the school’s annual blood drive. You cannot join this club until next year, and must apply to do so. Listen up to find out when to pick up your application (Around May). Advisor: Mrs. Schmid.
NHS- The National Honor Society is a prestigious organization that upholds four pillars: Character, Service, Leadership, and Scholarship. You must be in grades 10 or 11 to apply and must maintain a 3.5 GPA or higher. NHS can also be fun with events such as Lock-Ins, Rake n Runs, Relay for Life, and the Harlem Wizards game. This year, NHS is sponsoring a 5K community run the morning of Homecoming. Again, you cannot join this club without an application and being chosen, so look for the application in your summer schedule packet. Advisor: Mrs. Rokicki.
Interact- Community service is the main aspect of Interact that meets once a week. Interact includes events such as soldier drives, blanket drives, Pennies for Pasta, and Day of Caring. Advisor: Mrs. Conley
SADD-Students Against Destructive Decisions teaches students the consequences of activities such as drinking while driving, drug use, and texting while driving.
Green Club- Warren Woods Tower has become a prominent green school in our community and Green Club meets once a month to make this possible. Last year Warren Woods Tower was upgraded to an Evergreen School, and looks to keep this going. Advisors: Mrs. Okroy and Mrs. Jennings
Renaissance Group- This club is full of handpicked students that meet to discuss how to better our school. A new idea started by the Renaissance Group is the Handprint Wall in the Commons for the seniors. Advisor: Mr. Ohrt
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