Class of 2016 Dates and Info

Event                        Date      Time

Prom Express Ticket Sale              Sat. 4/16           12-2pm (Gym Atrium)

Senior Sports Banquet                   Thur. 5/26       @Polish Century

Powder Puff                                  TBD                   TBD

Prom @Wyndham Garden (Sterling Inn) Fri. 5/20            6:30pm-11p.m.

Cap and Gown Distribution             Thur. 5/24       During School

Senior Class Night (Senior’s last day)   Thur. 6/2      6:30 p.m. (Gown only)

Commencement Rehearsal               Mon. 6/6              10:00 a.m. @Bethesda


Commencement                           Mon. 6/6        7:00 p.m.  @Bethesda

All Night Party                              Mon. 6/6          9:30 p.m.

Anticipated Senior Costs:

Ø  Prom tickets will be $65per person during express Sale 4/16, and $70 during normal sale April 21- May 6 during lunches. Tables are first come, first serve. Students will not be able to switch tables once they sign up for one. In order to purchase a ticket for a guest, you must turn in a completed Guest form and wait until you have been given a ticket voucher. Tickets for guests must be purchased with a pre approved voucher from the front office.

Ø  Senior dues will be $25 for students that have participated in class fundraisers in the past or $35 for students that have not participated in class fundraisers. The money will be due in mid to late May.

Ø  Student Fee’s include, but are not limited to book fines, uniform replacement, and any other outstanding fines or reimbursements owed to the school.

Ø   All Night Party Tickets range from $30-$35 each year.


Ø  Seniors with an A or B in the 3rd and 4th quarter in a second semester course may opt out of the final exam for that course, IF they do not have an unexcused absence during the 2nd semester.

Ø  Each Senior is given 10 tickets to commencement (Absolutely no extras will be given out, students may ask students for extra tickets). The tickets are distributed at commencement rehearsal as long as all student fees are paid in full by May 27th. A list of fees will be posted in front of the main office beginning April 11th.

Ø  Cap and Gown distribution will be on May 24th during school hours. Caps and Gowns will not be given to students with unpaid Senior Dues. Make sure your dues are paid by Tuesday May 24th.

Ø  Additional copies of this will be posted on as well as WWTHS website.

Ø  Get Baby pictures and your Senior picture into Mr. Julien ASAP for senior slide show!

Ø  Make sure to email Mrs. Allen-Wrinkle with a list of colleges that you have been accepted to so you can be added to the College Wall of Acceptance! [email protected]

Ø  DON”T FORGET!!! WWT scholarships will be in the counseling office if you’re interested in applying for one. They are due on May 13th. Booster Scholarship due May 3rd.

Ø  Senior Surveys and Awards sheets are due May 13th. If these are not completed your name will not be called during class night.

Ø  Diploma Distribution Form must be turned in with senior survey and awards form.

All Students going to Prom! – PROM IS MAY 20th!

To make your exit for prom go as QUICKLY and SMOOTHLY as possible,  the following steps must be followed:

  1. You MUST be in school for 1st, 2nd & 3rd hours!!  (The entire hours!)
  2. You MUST turn in a note from your PARENT stating you can leave after 3rd.
  3. Turn in note BEFORE MAY 18th .
  4. Students who DO NOT turn in note PRIOR to MAY 18th  WILL NOT exit through EXPRESS LINE. **PLEASE NOTE THIS DEADLINE WILL NOT BE EXTENDED**

The day before Prom, come to Attendance Office during your LUNCH hour or after school ONLY and I will issue you your PROM PASS.  Prom passes will not be issued during class time.

You will only be issued one pass.  Replacements will not be issued.

  1. This will serve as your exit from school.
  2. Proceed to the East Main Doors  in an orderly fashion, have BOTH your prom pass and student ID in hand, we will check for it.
  3. If you lose your pass, or did not receive one, you must go to the attendance office to officially sign out. Students that leave the building without signing out properly will receive a skip and will be unable to attend Prom.

Seniors, the end of the year is coming quick! Don’t forget to add these dates to your calendar!

  •       Prom Express Ticket Sale will go on sale Sat. 4/16  at  12-2pm in  the Aux Gym
  •        Senior Sports Banquet is on Thur. 5/26 at the Polish Century
  •       Powder Puff the Date is still TBD also the Time TBD
  •      Prom is at Wyndham Garden (Sterling Inn) on Fri. 5/20 at 6:30pm-11p.m
  • Cap and Gown Distribution is on Thur. 5/24 during School
  • Senior Class Night (Senior’s last day) on Thur. 6/2 at 6:30 p.m. (Gown only)
  • Commencement Rehearsal is on Mon. 6/6 at  10:00 a.m. at Bethesda ( All seniors must attend Commencement Rehearsal in order to be in the commencement ceremony)
  •   Commencements are on Mon. 6/6 promptly at  7:00 p.m. at Bethesda (Each senior will receive 10 tickets for Commencements )
  • All Night Party is on  Mon. 6/6 at 9:30 p.m. (All night party tickets range from $30-$35 each year)
  • Caps and gowns will be passed out May 24th during school hours if your senior dues are unpaid you will not receive your cap and gown.
  • Get Baby pictures and your Senior picture into Mr. Julien ASAP for senior slide show!


  • WWT scholarships are in the counseling office if you’re interested in applying for one they are due May 13th
  • Senior survey, Awards Sheet, and Diploma Distribution forms are due
    May 13th
  • IF YOU’RE GOING TO PROM LISTEN UP!! Follow these 4 simple steps to make your day go smooth:
  1. You MUST be in school for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd hour (The ENTIRE hour)
  2. You MUST have a note from your PARENT stating you can leave after 3rd hour.
  3. The note must be in before May 18th
  4. Students who do not turn the note in before May 18th WILL NOT exit through the express line .



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