In the spirit of Halloween, every year since 2011, the hit television show, American Horror Story, airs. AHS is, obviously, a horror show, but what makes it special is the different themes and settings for each season. In mid January of 2013, I was hesitant to even click the show on Netflix, but after being convinced by a friend, I eventually watched the first season. Right away, I was hooked.

If you love Halloween, you will love this show because AHS turns the whole month of October into Halloween. “I absolutely love both Halloween and horror, so AHS is basically the love of my life,” said Stephanie Campbell. She is definitely right about the horror. AHS is full of suspense and will make it almost impossible to fall asleep, but it is totally worth it. AHS is like a month long scary movie.

Additionally, it is easy to start up on the show without watching previous seasons, because with each new season comes new characters, plotlines, and stories. Because of that, if you don’t like one season, just skip it. No need to worry about being lost or confused either. “I feel like the different storylines really refresh the show,” said ‘18, Andrea Walker, “If the writers were to stick with one plot, it definitely would’ve been drawn out and boring. The new storylines leave you in wait, never knowing what to expect.” I am sure many AHS fans couldn’t agree more, Andrea.

Lastly, AHS has a “dreamy” star in every season, Evan Peters. Fan girls go nuts for Peters, even though in every season, he is a serial killing psychopath. He is a great actor; his good looks allow him to get into everyone’s heads and make them think that what he did was in no way morally wrong. “Evan Peters is a great actor because of how versatile with the roles he plays, he can completely change personalities in the drop of a hat,” says Walker. It is amazing to see someone be totally different from one season to the next.

However, the new season is like nothing we’ve seen before. The first episode has already created anticipation for what else is to come throughout the season. All in all, American Horror Story is a fantastic show for teens and young adults and that’s why you should catch the new season of AHS on FX every Wednesday at 10PM. (Warning: some scenes may be too much for certain people).



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