Finals are finally over with and your grades have been reset. This is now your chance to improve your grades and learn from mistakes you made the last semester. Think of the semester change as a fresh start or a second chance. But don’t let yourself fall behind or make the same mistakes that you did last time. Three things that can keep you on track for this semester are getting your priorities in order, ignore the urge to procrastinate and pay more attention to the things you’re being taught.

                Sometimes when you have a lot of things going on there’s a basketball game, your friends want to hang out, you have to clean your room and you have a ton of homework all on the same night, it can be hard to choose what to do and what not to do. You may decide to go hang out with your friends at the game and do your homework later. Then by the time you get home, you’re too tired and forget all about doing any portion of your homework. To fix this try making a list of things you need to do. If a friend asks you to hang out and you have a lot of things to do, try telling them you can’t. They’re your friend, they’ll understand. If you know that you have a lot of work to do, don’t go to a school function that will take up most of your night. There will always be another game/dance/movie night.

                A big thing that seems to occur with everyone is a little disease called procrastination. In the back of your mind, you know you have homework to do, but you just don’t feel like doing it. Instead, you want to watch a movie, listen to music or just go on the computer. Once you start doing something like that, you realize that it’s 10 o’clock at night and you have to rush to get your homework done. Instead, try doing all of the homework you have first. That way, when you are done, you can do anything you want for as long as you want. You won’t be stuck staying up half the night to do work.

                Something that can make your grades slip a decent amount is when you are confused about something. You didn’t bother to pay attention during class because you were too tired or there was something else that was occupying your mind. Once you sit down and pull out your homework, you have absolutely no idea what you’re doing. You could try and figure it out, but the confusion gets the best of you and you just give up. When you’re in class, try your hardest to focus. Class only lasts about an hour. Soon, you will be able to be out in the hall with your friends again. Focus on what the teacher is saying. Try going to bed earlier so you aren’t tempted to doze off during class.

                There are many ways you can improve this semester. You just have to figure out what the best way for you is. Try the things mentioned above. Get your priorities straight, will yourself not to procrastinate and focus during class can all ensure you a success this semester.



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